My Favorite Cover


"In a stunning cover for New York’s “Spring Fashion” issue, Erik Madigan Heck created a wall-to-wall effect with the red and white floral pattern on Lupita Nyong’o’s Stella McCartney dress and a coordinated background. Nyong’o is no wallflower, seeming to pop right out of this inventive and stylish cover." 

This magazine cover is definitely my favorite because it's very unique and the model is absolutely stunning. The problem with it is the fact that the background makes some of the letters hard to read. Confidence, grace, and beauty are easily communicated in this photo by the model. Her makeup, dress, and the background make the cover look very vibrant and appealing to the eye. The lighting and exposure is pretty bright which makes the photo much more beautiful and capturing. The photographer also framed her perfectly in center. Another issue is the fact that her head does cover the w in New York, but it still looks fine.


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