Fahion Photography
Video #1
In the video, they used photoshop to widen her eyes, narrow and move her neck, changed her lip shape, and narrow her face.
Video #2
They made her more tan, gave her long curly hair, flattened her stomach, covered her blemishes, widened her eyes, made her nose smaller, made her legs longer, made her neck taller and face smaller, and whitened up her face.
Video #3
They made her way way way smaller all around her body and gave her longer hair.
I feel like it's completely unacceptable to change a person's appearance like this because it gives society a fake image of beauty and it creates low self esteem. The only way where it could be somewhat acceptable is if someone has some blemishes on their face and the person specifically asks you to remove them.
5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
It would be even worse if the person didn't give you permission to make these insane changes.
6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
The only type of change that is okay is if someone has a stain on their shirt or face, a few blemishes (only if they don't want that to be seen in a photo) or if some pieces of their hair is covering their face. What isn't okay is totally altering someones complexion and body.
7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
Fashion photography is much more fake and barbie doll like. It strives for this idea of perfection that isn't real. Photojournalism is much more raw and realisitic and captures someone at their natural beauty.
8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
Photojournalism has an actual relationship to reality while fashion photography is pretty much the exact opposite. This affects the practice of each because fashion photography typically isn't ethically acceptable while photojournalism is.
9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?
I think you're showing us these videos so we can see the difference between photo j and fashion photography and to see how completely and utterly wrong photoshop can be.
10. Why are none of these videos about guys???
I feel as if girls have so much pressure to have perfect, hair, makeup, and physique while most boys don't have to worry about the majority of those things. (but that's not always the case, some boys can be very insecure about their image)
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