TALES BY LIGHT ESSAY 2  (Life and Death: Part 2)
The two episodes I watched were separated in parts, therefore I only got to see one photographer. In the second part of “Life and Death,” Stephen Dupont blabbered on again with his fake deep notions about nature. However, the shots of the locations he went to were absolutely STUNNING.
The first location was this vast, sandy desert, known as the “Namib.” It looked so surreal, almost as if I was looking at a painting. The way that the dead, black branches contrasted the smooth brown-toned background was so beautiful.  I also found the scenes of the abandoned houses filled with sand really interesting and cool. In addition, the shots that Dupont got of the scenery were amazing too, which makes me realize that I can’t make fun of him in that much. He’s definitely on this tv show for a reason.
Again, I didn’t really learn anything specific from Dupont. Yet, I did learn a great deal about the Bushmen of the Kalahari. I find it really interesting how they continue on the tradition of hunters and gathers from the prehistoric age. They even crawl “like cats” to catch their prey and have nightly celebrations for the prey they’ve caught. They also wear very little clothing, just like how it was back in the day. I find it really important to shine a light on these tribes, and to emphasize the importance of keeping their habitat and culture safe.

Overall, the thing that captivated me the most about this episode was the cinematic shots. The shot of the large shadows of the bushmen walking was probably one of the most beautiful, creative things I have ever seen in my life. I’m much more interested to know about what this cinematographer has to say rather than Dupont.


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