News Values

1. Prominence

This article is driven by the news value I chose because it focuses solely on Pope Francis. The "newsworthiness" addresses the pope and his plans to urge a document known as "The Joy of Love."

Pope Francis, Urging Less Judgment, Signals Path for Divorced on Communion

2. Conflict

This article is driven by the news value I chose because it discusses the issues between the afghans and syrians. It shows a meeting of two opposite forces fighting.

Fates Diverging, Afghan and Syrian Migrants Clash in Greece

3. Proximity
 A woman found dead in Waller Creek on the University of Texas campus this week was identified Thursday as freshman Haruka Weiser, an 18-year-old dance major from Portland, Ore. Hours later, Austin police revealed video of a “person of interest” they are seeking in connection with Weiser’s death.

Body in creek ID’d as slain UT student

This article is driven by the news value of proximity because it's a tragic event located in our city. It happened in UT, which is a major university in Austin.

4. timeliness
Tension flared in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday, with each candidate questioning the other’s fitness to lead and Sen. Bernie Sanders pressing his attack that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president.

Qualifications tiff pits Clinton against Sanders

This article is driven by the news value I chose because the information is fairly new. Also, the newspaper just became published today.

5.  novelty

Toddler who choked on octopus recovering

This article is driven by novelty because the topic is quite unusual. However, a toddler choking on octopus seems interesting to read. 

6. human interest

Boko Haram Turns Female Captives Into Terrorists

This article is driven by human interest because the topic is quite emotional. It makes the reader want to be informed about the drama.

7. impact

ISIS Abducts Workers From Cement Factory in Syria

This article is driven by impact because it makes the audience really concerned about the abductions. In addition, it makes the reader upset about anyone that has been attacked by ISIS. 


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